Creating your first project

As soon as you signed in, you will see your dashboard, which will still be quite empty, as you do not have any content yet.

In order to create your first project, click on the CREATE PROJECT button.

This will open a form

The 'Create a new Project' form

In order to have a complete project presentation, you would need to fill out the whole form, but for a quick start, you might only want to fill out the mandatory fields, which are:

The project name

The slug for the project URL
The slug is the end part of the URL (read more at Wikipedia). It should be an easy to read and remember set of characters, normally the short version of the Project's name. E.g., for a Project with the name "Reforestation Initiative of the State of Pernambuco" you may want to choose a slug like "reforestation_pernambuco". You are free to type in whatever you want. Spaces are not allowed.

NOTE: The slug can not be changed afterwords, so choose it carefully!

The summary should not be longer than about three sentences, but deliver the essential information about your Project. Formulate the summary in such a way, that visitors of your Project presentation are able to understand what your Project is about. The summary text will also appear as a preview when sharing in social media.

Start year
Indicate the year your Project formally started or is going to start.

Contact details
Indicate the name and respective email of the responsible person for the Project.

Select the country and the region your Project is located. Consider that the region might be an administrative region (e.g. a district) or designated by its cultural or environmental context (e.g. 'Western Amazon').

Saving the project

After filling out these mandatory fields, you are ready to save it. There are two ways of doing it:

SAVE AS DRAFT will save the Project, but it will still not be online. This option is meant to allow finalizing the Project presentation later on.

PUBLISH PROJECT will also publish the Project, so that it will be available online to everyone who knows the respective URL.

We suggest you to save the Project as draft first. You still can publish it later. Publishing and setting it back to draft (i.e. unpublishing it) can be done at any time.

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Getting started