Creating a Sponsor

Note: For the creation of Sponsors and Sponsorships, the Sponsor Presentation Module must be active.

Creating a Sponsor

This video explains how to create Sponsors within a Project

The creation of a Sponsor entry is straightforward and analog to the creation of a Partner entry.

Adding Sponsors to a Project

You can add new Sponsors directly from the Project menu ① or from the Sponsor content page ②.

Your Sponsor content page will list all Sponsors shown in your Project presentation. Add a new Sponsor directly from the Project menu by clicking on the + in front of the Sponsor menu item ① or in the top right corner of the Sponsor content page ②.

A form will open.

Following fields are available (fields marked with a * are mandatory):

Name *
Type in the name of the organization you want to list as a Sponsor.

Upload the logo of the Sponsor organization. Make sure to have the image cropped to the limits of the logo.

Describe with a few sentences in which way the Sponsor is contributing to the Project. This text will appear in the Sponsor list.

Describe with more details who the Sponsor is and in which way it is contributing to the Project. Markdown formatting is possible. The description will appear on the Sponsor's page under the ABOUT tab.

Enter a link to the Sponsor's web presence or to some other page related to the Sponsorship.

Save the content by clicking on the CREATE SPONSOR button.

Note: Ensure you have the authorization of your the sponsor organization to list it in your Project presentation.

Note: Since Sponsors do not have a 'draft' status, every entry will also be immediately visible in the public Project presentation.

Activating the Sponsor Presentation Module

The Sponsor Presentation Module can not be activated by users. Being a part of an …

The Sponsor list

The Sponsor list shows all Sponsors of a Project. Note: Since Sponsors do not have a …

User accounts
Sponsors & Sponsorships
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